CP-How to use the ICD codes

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Terminology used in ICD-10 coding

The following terminology is very interesting: NOS or not otherwise specified, and NEC or not elsewhere classified.

  • NOS or not otherwise specified "is generally used to note the presence of an illness where the symptoms presented were sufficient to make a general diagnosis, but where a specific diagnosis was not made." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_Otherwise_Specified Wikipedia)
    Therefore this is a GENERAL coding that is possibly INCLUSIVE of other more specified disease categories. It will be interesting to see if the cards match up with this idea.
    • This can be used in cases where you can identify the general disease, but not in very specific detail. For instance, "Bacterial infection, not otherwise specified" or "Bacterial infection, unspecified"
      Are these actually equivalent? Is NOS or not otherwise specified equivalent to Unspecified?
    • It is interesting to note the Uterine fibroid page: the cards for D25.0 (a specific type of uterine fibroid) are mutually exclusive of the cards for D25.9 ("Uterine fibroid, unspecified"). If "unspecified" meant "not otherwise specified", then wouldn't D25.9 possibly include all the cards used in the more specific subcodes (D25.0 to D25.2)?
  • NEC or not elsewhere classified means that this category excludes all other known specific disease codes. Therefore this is a GENERAL coding that is EXCLUSIVE of all other specific known types of that disease. It will be interesting to see if the cards match up with this.

Unused cards

The following cards do NOT have a wiki page, due to not having a specific matching ICD-10 category.

  • Cyst (G/3) [2.4, 2.7, 2.10]
    This refers to "Cyst, not elsewhere classified" (the meaning of the old "G" classification in the original disease list). I haven't found an equivalent ICD-10 category for "Cyst, NEC" that these cards could fit into.. if none turns up, perhaps we could make a page titled "MedicalDisease:Cyst, not elsewhere classified" (without ICD-10 codes...?)