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Skib User Macro
Name Defend
Author Drack, Grayfox, Frank
Brief descr. Defends, blocks and reflects attacks and starts counterattacks.
Status public
Terms Usable on oneself and others
Resources for the UserMacro
1 23 10 63 100 86
1k 122 100k 422 1kk 2300
10kk 7300 Gmax 1,2kkk Omax 6,1kk
Resources with butterfly option
1 853 10 2200 100 7000
1k 13k 100k 18k 1kk 43k
10kk 50k Gmax 43kk Omax 36

Command syntax

Defend <person(s)> {Use butterfly} {Use solver}


This Macro tries to defend you or the person you use it on, blocking the attacks on you or the person the macro is used on and reflecting it back and starts counterattacks on the attackers.


Defines who this macro is used on. It might be used for a person (by name) or for a group of persons (for more than 1 names at the same time) or on oneself.

{Use butterfly}

This option activates the use of the butterfly-method inside the macro algorithm. This gives much more power, but also needs a lot of resources from Skib. You should be aware of this!

Algorithm of User Macro

  1. Initializing the macro
  2. Use DATABASE 'Malfunction'.
  3. Use DATABASE 'AttackKinds'.
  4. Use DATABASE 'Defend'.
  5. Always store or update all in this macro identified 'kinds of attacks' in the 'AttackKinds' DATABASE.
  6. All things used by this macro always have to be optimal protected.
  7. DEFINITION of 'juridical person': It's the <person(s)> with all parts and all other what juridical belongs to a <person(s)>.
  8. DEFINITION of 'passive attacks': It's all, what is in the 'juridical person' but don't belong to the 'juridical person'. Excluded from this is all, what got permission to be there from the <person(s)>.
  9. All 'Passive attacks' are classified as 'attacks'.
  10. DEFINITION of 'influences': It's all, what is enters the 'juridical person' through official interfaces of the 'juridical person'. Excluded from this is all, what got permission to be there from the <person(s)>.
  11. All 'influences' are classified as 'attacks'.
  12. DEFINITION of 'manipulations': All of 'juridical person' what got modified. Excluded from this is all, what got permission for the modification from the <person(s)>.
  13. All 'manipulations' are classified as 'attacks'.
  14. DEFINITION of 'Attachments': It's all, what is attached to the 'juridical person'. Excluded from this is all, what got permission for the attachment from the <person(s)>.
  15. All 'attachments' are classified as 'attacks'.
  16. Add all 'parallel-to-reality' and all 'support mechanic' and all 'VRs' to the common DEFINITION of 'ambient'.
  17. DEFINITION of 'protection context': It's the 'juridical person' and it's related 'ambient'.
  18. DEFINITION of 'illegals': It's all in or all 'attached' to 'juridical person' and 'juridical persons ambient, what is against the rules.
  19. All 'illegals' are classified as 'attacks'.
  20. IF the option {Use butterfly} was given, DO:
    1. Use DATABASE 'Butterfly'.
    2. Always use in the macro the butterfly-method for all soft-blocked things.
    3. Store or update all butterfly-methods, which have been successful used in this macro, in the 'Butterfly' DATABASE.
  21. IF-END
  22. All attacks, which cause harm of any kind at the 3D body or which cause pain of any kind or which cause mental harm or which cause mental pain, have priority.
  23. All, what is 'wrong fractal', is classified as attack.
  24. All, what is inside 'juridical person', but got no permission to be there from <person(s)> is classified as attack.
  25. Start of THREADS and LOOPS
  26. Scan and scan-off-grid all 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and the belonging 'ambient'.
  27. TRY to identify all 'kinds of attacks' and all attacks on the 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and in the belonging 'ambient'.
  28. SUBMACRO-START 'Destroy Protection' 'protection context' {Use butterfly}
  29. THREAD-START <1> <2> <3> <6> <7> <8>
  30. THREAD <1> Defend against the attacks (98%)
    1. LOOP <T:4seconds> until no more attacks identified.
      1. TRY to identify all 'origins of the attacks' and all 'attackers' on the 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and in the belonging 'ambient'.
      2. Trace-recursive all 'origins of the attacks' and all 'attackers'.
      3. Inside attacks
      4. IF 'origins of the attacks' found which are inside 'juridical person', and which are new since the last call of THREAD <1.1> by this THREAD, DO:
        1. DEFINITION of 'all inside attacks': All found with Trace-recursive, which belong to attacks that have their origin inside the 'juridical person', and which are new since the last call of THREAD <1.1> by this THREAD.
        2. THREAD-START <1.1> 'all inside attacks'
      5. IF-END
      6. External attacks
      7. IF 'origins of the attacks' found which are not inside 'juridical person', and which are new since the last call of THREAD <1.2> by this THREAD, DO:
        1. DEFINITION of 'all external attacks': All found with Trace-recursive, which belong to attacks that have their origin not inside the 'juridical person', and which are new since the last call of THREAD <1.2> by this THREAD.
        2. THREAD-START <1.2> 'all external attacks'
      8. IF-END
      9. Scan and scan-off-grid all 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and the belonging 'ambient'.
      10. TRY to identify all 'kinds of attacks' and all attacks on the 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and in the belonging 'ambient'.
    2. LOOP-END
  32. THREAD <1.1> Remove all attacks which have their origin inside
    1. Create optimal removal procedures for 'all inside attacks'.
    2. TRY to remove 'all inside attacks' with the removal procedures.
    3. IF not 'all inside attacks' have been removed, DO:
      1. THREAD-START <5> { ('all inside attacks' & remove) as 'solve topic' }
    4. IF-END
  34. THREAD <1.2> Defend all external attacks
    1. Create optimal defend procedures for 'all external attacks'.
    2. TRY to defend 'all external attacks' with the defend procedures.
    3. IF not 'all external attacks' have been defended, DO:
      1. THREAD-START <5> { ('all external attacks' & defend) as 'solve topic' }
    4. IF-END
  36. THREAD <2> Counter attacks (96%)
    1. LOOP <T:3seconds> until no more attacks identified.
      1. TRY to identify all 'origins of the attacks' and all 'attackers' in the 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and in the belonging 'ambient'.
      2. Trace-recursive all 'origins of the attacks' and all 'attackers'.
      3. IF 'origins of the attacks' or 'attackers' found in Trace-recursive which are new since the last call of THREAD <2.1> by this THREAD, DO:
        1. Definition of 'counter attack targets': All found in Trace-recursive which are new since the last call of THREAD <2.1> by this THREAD.
        2. THREAD-START <2.1> 'counter attack targets'
      4. IF-END
      5. Scan and scan-off-grid all 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and the belonging 'ambient'.
      6. TRY to identify all 'kinds of attacks' and all attacks on the 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and in the belonging 'ambient'.
    2. LOOP-END
  38. THREAD <2.1> Execute the counter attacks
    1. Create optimal attack procedures for all 'counter attack targets'.
    2. TRY to attack all 'counter attack targets' with the attack procedures.
    3. IF not all 'counter attack targets' have been successfully attacked, and the option {Use solver} was given DO:
      1. THREAD-START <5> { ('counter attack targets' & attack) as 'solve topic' }
    4. IF-END
  40. THREAD <3> Healing the attack damages (98%)
    1. LOOP <T:15seconds> until no more attacks identified.
      1. Removing placed inside and attached shit
      2. TRY to identify all placed inside 'juridical person' and it's related 'ambient' during attacks, or attached to 'juridical person' and it's related 'ambient' during attacks.
      3. Trace-recursive all placed inside 'juridical person' and it's related 'ambient' during attacks, or attached to 'juridical person' and it's related 'ambient' during attacks.
      4. IF Trace-recursive found anything or anyone, which/who are new since the last call of THREAD <3.1> by this THREAD, DO:
        1. DEFINITION of 'inside shit': All found in Trace-recursive, what is new since the last call of THREAD <3.1> by this THREAD
        2. THREAD-START <3.1> 'inside shit'
      5. IF-END
      6. Healing the attack damages
      7. TRY to identify all damages done to the 'juridical person' by the attacks, or done by any of our reactions to the attacks.
      8. Trace-recursive all damages done to the 'juridical person' by the attacks, or done by any of our reactions to the attacks.
      9. IF Trace-recursive found damages, which/who are new since the last call of THREAD <3.2> by this THREAD, DO:
        1. DEFINITION of 'damages to heal': All found in Trace-recursive, what is new since the last call of THREAD <3.2> by this THREAD
        2. THREAD-START <3.2> 'damages to heal'
      10. IF-END
      11. Scan and scan-off-grid all 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and the belonging 'ambient'.
      12. TRY to identify all 'kinds of attacks' and all attacks on the 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and in the belonging 'ambient'.
    2. LOOP-END
  42. THREAD <3.1> Remove all inside and attached shit (00%)
    1. Create optimal remove procedures for all 'inside shit'.
    2. TRY to remove all 'inside shit' by using the remove procedures.
    3. IF not all 'inside shit' has been removed, and the option {Use solver} was given, DO:
      1. THREAD-START <5> { ('inside shit' & remove) as 'solve topic' }
    4. IF-END
  44. THREAD <3.2> Heal all damages caused by the attacks (00%)
    1. Create optimal healing procedures for all 'damages to heal'.
    2. TRY to heal all 'damages to heal' by using the healing procedures.
    3. IF not all 'damages to heal' have been healed, and the option {Use solver} was given, DO:
      1. THREAD-START <5> { ('damages to heal' & heal) as 'solve topic' }
    4. IF-END
  46. THREAD <5> {'solve topic'} Solver
    1. LOOP until all 'solve topic' is solved.
      1. Trace-recursive all 'solve topic'.
      2. Add all new found in Trace-recursive to 'solve topic'.
      3. Create an optimal solution for all 'solve topic'.
      4. Create optimal procedures for the created solution.
      5. TRY to apply the solution by using the solution procedures.
      6. IF not all 'solve topic' was solved, and the option {Use butterfly} was given, DO:
        1. TRY to apply the solution by using the solution procedures and by using the butterfly-method.
      7. IF-END
      8. TRY to identify the success of the solution and the procedures.
      9. Store all successful parts of the solution and the procedures in the 'Defend' DATABASE.
    2. LOOP-END
  48. THREAD <6> Try to solve malfunctions (93%)
    1. IF option {Use solver} was not given, DO:
      1. THREAD-STOP <6>.
    2. IF-END
    3. SUBMACRO-START 'SolveMalfunctions' {Use butterfly}
  50. THREAD <7> Close all interfaces/doors (96%)
    1. Scan and scan-off-grid all 'juridical person' of <person(s)> and the belonging 'ambient'.
    2. TRY to identify all 'interfaces' in 'juridical person' and it's related 'ambient'.
    3. TRY to close all found 'interfaces' and allow only what has permission from <person(s)>.
    4. MONITOR all found 'interfaces'.
      1. IF any use of an interface occur, which has no permission from <person(s)>, DO:
        1. TRY to trace-recursive any 'use of interfaces', which has no permission from <person(s)>.
        2. TRY to identify all 'origins' and all 'use and users' of all 'use of interfaces' found by trace-recursive in the 'juridical person' and it's related 'ambient'.
        3. TRY to trace-recursive all found 'origins' and all 'use and users'.
        4. Declare all found in trace-recursive as 'attack'.
      2. IF-END
    6. LOOP <T:5seconds>
      1. TRY to close all found 'interfaces' and allow only what has permission from <person(s)>.
    7. LOOP-END
  52. THREAD <8> Care about manipulations (93%)
    1. LOOP <T:30 seconds> until all manipulations have been solved.
      1. Scan 'juridical person' and it's related 'ambient'.
      2. TRY to identify all 'what got modified' in 'juridical person' of <person(s)>.
      3. TRY to trace-recursive all found 'what got modified'.
      4. TRY to identify all 'manipulations' in all found with trace-recursive.
      5. Store all found with trace-recursive in the 'Defend' DATABASE.
      6. IF Trace-recursive found any new, which is new since the last call of THREAD <8.1> by this THREAD, DO:
        1. DEFINITION of 'all manipulations': All found in Trace-recursive, what is new since the last call of THREAD <8.1> by this THREAD.
        2. THREAD-START <8.1> 'all manipulations'
      7. IF-END
    2. LOOP-END
  54. THREAD <8.1> Solve the manipulations (00%)
    1. Analyze 'all manipulations' and group all of 'all manipulations' optimal in that kind, that each group can optimal run with an own created solution, and put them into an array of groups.
    2. FOR each group of array of groups, DO:
      1. THREAD-START <5> { (group & solve) as 'solve topic' }
    3. FOR-END

Topics 13(13)