How to create a new User Macro

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Step by step tutorial on how to create a new Skib User Macro.

1. Got to the Skib User Macros main page.

2. Edit the section "User Macros". At the right side of the sub headline you will find a pen symbol for this.

3. Add a new link for the User Macro. A link to a User Macro page consists of:

* [[SkibUserMacros:<name of UserMacro page>|<Text which will be shown on Main Macro Page for the link>]]

4. Save the page and click the red link to the new UserMacro page.

5. You will get:

This page doesn't exist yet.....

6. At the bottom of the page choose the red link:

UserMacro page template

7. Now you get a new page for your UserMacro wich has already the blank template filled in.

8. Fill in the Macro information and save it.
