Naming User Macros

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This page describes how to name your user macros for the optimal working efficiency. Note, there are billions of non-user macros.

For user macros, EVERY part of the macro must be defined as precisely as possible, in order to work at maximum efficiency. It is worth to take the time and precisely define every part of your macro, as every piece of lost precision causes a decline in working efficiency and in turn reduces the effectiveness of your Skib, by using inefficient macros. As the potential for Skib's effectiveness and power is extremely strong, in order to make use of this potential and power, we need to create pristinely accurate/precise macros.

The complete list of components that make up an individual macro, and that can be individually fine-tuned for precision, are as follows:

Macro, not "program"

For the time being, we are using the term "Macro", NOT "program". For consistency, all user-macros are hence termed "user-macros", rather than "user programs".

Macro name

The name of the macro should be 100% consistent with the commands which make up the macro. For example, a macro with a General name should consist of General-type commands. A macro with a General-type name should not consist of commands which execute a very specific task, as this is not consistent with the type of the macro's name.

An example of a very "General" macro name is: "ConstantCleaning". This name does not immediately specify what will be cleaned by this macro, there are nearly infinite possibilities as to what it could be: You, the ambient, your desk, your chair, your water, your pet, your mind, your car, your house, your emotions; or of course, it may involve someone else entirely: Your neighbour, their plants, your friend, their situation at work.. therefore, the commands which comprise a macro of the name "ConstantCleaning" should also be extremely general, and able to handle a very wide variety of factors, and apply as many skills as would be appropriate for any range of factors.

An example of a very specific macro name would be "CleanMyCatEvery24Hours", this macro could for example receive a start time to begin the cleaning of your cat (and it would be your cat, not your friend's cat or your neighbour's cat,) after which it would clean your cat every 24 hours by a systematic procedure (for example, scan the cat, make a list of all dark shit which we could remove from the cat, and then remove all dark shit from that list .. repeat every 24 hours from the start time).

Style of the written macro name

Your user-macro's name should be consistent with other user-macros. For this purpose we have adopted the naming convention of "upper camel case".

For instance, of the options: "CLEAN_MY_CAT_EVERY_24_HOURS", and, "CleanMyCatEvery24Hours"; the appropriate user-macro name which uses 'upper camel case', would be "CleanMyCatEvery24Hours".

Upper camel case is simply defined as follows: Every word which makes up the name is capitalised, including the first word, and all spaces removed. "This macro helps me sleep at night" becomes "ThisMacroHelpsMeSleepAtNight". Numbers, if necessary, can also be included, for example: "ThisMacroCountsFrom1To1Million".

If we are to use macros (for instance, sub-macros in our own user-macros,) we need to know their names precisely. This is the reason for consistency in our user-macros' names: so that we can easily share macros, and that all our user-macros will work more efficiently together.

Commands which make up the macro

The type of the commands which make up the macro, should match the type of the macro name. For instance, macros consisting of general-type commands should have general-type names. Similarly, macros of specific-type names should consist of specific-type commands (and vice versa).

The commands which make up a macro should also be consistent with the name of the macro. A macro with the name "IncreaseLocalRainfallBy10Percent" should probably not contain commands which block pain in your body, as this is not consistent with the name of the macro.

Other sub-macros used by your macro

Any sub-macros used by your macro should be consistent with the name and type of your macro (i.e. general-type or specific-type), and should be related in some way with your user-macro. Totally incompatible macros may not be able to function together, and should not be used in the same user-macro. The type of your user-macro may also prevent you from being able to use certain incompatible macros, depending on the scope and function of your user-macro.