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The Healing Tools

On this page you will find the different healing tools available for use with the Healing Cards:

Base Cards and Pearlgonites.

Each healing tool contains invisible, etheric healing crystals.

All Healing Card Sets contain one Base Card. The only practical difference between the healing tools is the range of operation. This depends on the number and structure of the healing crystals within the healing tool, and also on the groups of Command Cards used with the tool.

All Pearlgonites have a far greater range of operation than the Base Cards, due to their geometric structure and the greatly increased number of etheric crystals inside. Of the Pearlgonites, Pentagon Pearlgonites have the smallest range, followed by Octagon Pearlgonites which have an increased range, and finally Super Pearlgonites which have an enormous range.

Healings will run as long as the target is within range of the healing tool. Each healing tool has 3 ranges for each group of Command Cards used with it. Group 2 cards have the smallest range, followed by group 3 which have a modest range, finally group 1 cards have the largest range. If a healing uses more than one group of Command Cards, the effective range of that healing will be equal to that of the group with the smallest range.

It is possible for 'partial healings' to occur, if the target is out of range of one group of required cards, but still within range of another group. For example if a particular healing requires Command Cards from all 3 groups, and the target leaves the smallest range of the healing tool (group 2 cards), the healing of group 2 cards will stop until they return within this range. However, the healings of group 1 and 3 cards will continue unless they also move out of their range.

It may be useful to give the healing target a Base Card to carry with them after starting a healing process, to ensure that they are always in full range of the healing.

 The Base card 

This card has a metal disc inside. The healing crystals are located in this metal disc.

Range (group 1 cards): 350 km
Range (group 2 cards): 5,3 km
Range (group 3 cards): 16 km
base card01.jpg
 Pentagon Pearlgonite 

The healing crystals are located in the geometric structures.

Range (group 1 cards): 830 km
Range (group 2 cards): 33 km
Range (group 3 cards): 92 km
 Octagon Pearlgonite 

The healing crystals are located in the geometric structures.

Range (group 1 cards): 930 km
Range (group 2 cards): 53 km
Range (group 3 cards): 110 km
 Super Pearlgonites 

The healing crystals are located in the geometric structures.

Range (group 1 cards): 2200 km
Range (group 2 cards): 1200 km
Range (group 3 cards): 1400 km
super pearlgonit01.jpg

See also:


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